Sequestering carbon through OOH campaigns

1.02 t. CO2e
Total emissions
1.2 acres
of U.S. forests in one year (Sequestered carbon equivalency)
Campaign overview
Campaign objective: Sequestering carbon through sustainable DOOH
billups, the largest independent out-of-home managed services agency in North America, wanted to raise awareness amongst marketers of its partnership announcement with Cedara, the leading carbon intelligence platform.
This campaign demonstrated billups' commitment to both reducing and compensating for carbon emissions in OOH advertising.
Campaign strategy
The campaign leveraged Firefly’s DOOH Taxi and Rideshare Top Network across Miami during the 2024 Possible conference in Miami Beach, to (literally) drive awareness of the new partnership. billups applied the Cedara-enabled carbon emissions measurement and compensation to the campaign, using a methodology based on the industry standard framework.
- Market: Miami
- Flight dates: 4/14/24 - 4/18/24
- Ad plays: 142,887

Sustainability first
Reduction before compensating
Our approach
In alignment with billups’ sustainability-first approach, the campaign began by optimizing media buying and placement.
The strategy prioritized high-impact locations with efficient emissions per impression, reducing the overall carbon footprint before any compensation took place. This emphasis on optimization ensures that the carbon emissions generated by OOH campaigns are minimized from the start.
Carbon measurement and compensation with Cedara
Partnering with Cedara, billups tracked campaign emissions using a robust methodology based on the Ad Net Zero Global Media Sustainability Framework. The carbon output was calculated by considering materials, energy use, and display time.
billups then compensated the remaining emissions by supporting a certified environmental project.
Sustainable impact
Carbon compensation through reforestation
billups’ sustainability program is dedicated to supporting projects that avoid or remove emissions from the atmosphere generated by OOH campaign activity.
The Sheep Creek Reforestation project aims to replant the Montana forestland impacted by wildfires and is certified by the Climate Action Reserve.
billups’ contribution to this project made this campaign sustainable. The total amount of emissions compensated was:
1.02 t. CO2e
Equates to 2,609 miles driven by an average gasoline-powered passenger vehicle

By linking campaign activity to tangible environmental impact, billups can help brands achieve their marketing goals and align with sustainable values that resonate with today’s consumers.
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